Perfecting the Fine Art of

We all fall, it's inevitable. It's what we do in the aftermath of that fall that makes all the difference. The choice is ours. We can choose to stay down and wallow in self pity OR use the experience to reach greater heights. Our Second Act.

Principles to Guide our Decisions

- Charles Nabit

Most of our attention gets focused on forging a career and building a family. We develop connections, build relationships, raise children, acheive a degree of success, and then what? We find ourselves at the end of a career with an empty nest and a burning need to fulfill a prupose. Society deeply engrains the roadmap for the First Act into us from the time we’re born. How about that Second Act? It’s vital to conciously forge a vision to live the rest of your and not merely have life live you.

This website will chronicle my journey towards my Second Act. I’ll be honest, I am still not sure where that will lead. But isn’t that the point? The Second Act is as much about the journey as the destination.

Follow Along on my Journey

On Tuesday, January 18, 2022, I, Charles Nabit, will surrender to federal prison. I anticipate that I’ll spend two weeks in quarantine, then join the population. I’ll use this website to lay out a plan. The plan will guide me to a life of service. Click the link below to receive updates on how I’m striving to live in service to others.​

Past Accomplishments by Charles Nabit